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Word attachments

When a signer adds an attachment, the system currently does not allow word documents to be attached. Expanding on this functionality would eliminate the need for for a signers to covert their word document to PDF prior to completing the signing pr...
Guest over 3 years ago in Templates 0 Open for voting

Don't make it look like multiple choice JotBlock options have changed when changing name.

If we change the name of an existing multiple choice JotBlock, the options appear to change. For example - I change the name of a multiple choice JotBlock with Yes and Not options, the No option disappears from the edit JotBlock window. Our users ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Templates 0

Multiple choice for sender input

Allow multiple choice for Sender Input when creating templates. Currently it is only available under signer input. This would simplify template creation and reduce the amount of questions the sender has to answer when sending a form to the signer(s).
Guest over 1 year ago in Templates 0

Data masked for additional signers but not for the active signer

We have some documents that contain personal information of multiple signers and we would like to be able to apply a mask to the fields so the signer can confirm their information is correct and they can view the information in the other signers f...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Templates 0

If the Training Unit Owner has left the business, is there a way I can transfer all training units to another person? Just like how we do for process and risk transfers.

If the Training Unit Owner has left the business, is there a way I can transfer all training units to another person? Just like how we do for process and risk transfers.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Templates 0

Classic template bulk import/export

The import/export process of classic templates is very time consuming because you need to do import/export one by one. If you had a bulk import export that would make the import/export process more efficient.
Guest about 2 years ago in Templates 0